Welcome to Hotels
Comparison |
are an independent hotels comparison service. We do not sell
hotels ourselves as all bookings are made by clicking through
to the hotel site where the price was obtained. The prices we
display are the same as if you had searched the different sites
yourself. There is NO bias in the results and NO additional
mark-up on the prices. The results shown are in order of lowest
price first and are aggregated on hotel name. |
Booking a room |
a room couldn't be easier. Once you have found a good rate simply
click through to the travel company and book it on their own
site. All the travel companies that are featured on this site
have secure servers for maximum credit card security. Bookings
that can be confirmed immediately will be displayed before bookings
that require email confirmation (on request). On request bookings
may take up to 48 hours to confirm. |
Disclaimer |
and information is provided for informational purposes only.
We accept no responsibilty for any changes/errors that occur
in the prices and hotel information. We accept no responsibility
for any hotels that have been incorrectly matched with each
other. When proceeding to book with any of the travel companies
listed the user should make sure all hotel details, prices and
currencies are correct in the travel companies booking system.
We shall not be liable for any damages or costs of any type
arising out of or in any way connected with your use of the
information on this website. |