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Park Inn Sheremetievo information

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Park Inn Sheremetievo hotel, 
Moscow, Russia.
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Information From: Hotelopia


3 stars

Building Facilities

Room Facilities


Located within a 3-minute walk of Sheremetyevo International Airport's terminal 2, this hotel offers an unrivalled convenience for anyone travelling to and from the transport hub. Its guests can use the free shuttle service to reach the airport, while those who want to visit Moscow city centre will need about an hour by public transport or half that time with a car. Due to its excellent services and facilities it is popular not only with transit passengers but also with guests from around the world. The traditional Russian and European dishes served at the restaurant will not just satisfy the appetite, but provide a magical feeling for the palette. The bar is a great choice for a quiet drink after the long flight or a friendly chat with travel companions or business associates.



Additional Information


The information on the Moscow hotel shown above has been collected to the best of our ability. We cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or mistakes in the information. Anyone booking a room through this website should check with the travel website that they use that the information about Park Inn Sheremetievo hotel is correct.

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