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Quentin Hotel information

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Quentin Hotel hotel, 
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
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Information From: Bookings


3 stars

Building Facilities

Room Facilities


Set in a 17th century canal house, Quentin Amsterdam Hotel is located in the heart of Amsterdam, near the famous Leidseplein. This hotel benefits from free Wi-Fi throughout. It offers rooms with a flat-screen TV and private bathroom facilities. Some rooms have views of the canal. The hotel is within easy reach of the major day and night attractions. The beautiful Museumplein is only a 5 minute walk away, the home of the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum and Stedelijk Museum.



Additional Information


The information shown above has been collected to the best of our ability. We cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or mistakes in the information. Anyone booking a room through this website should check with the travel website that they use that the information about the property is correct.

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