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Porto Carras Meliton information

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Porto Carras Meliton hotel, 
Neos Marmaras, Greece.
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Information From: Hotelopia


5 stars

Building Facilities

Room Facilities


The deluxe Hotel Meliton - Porto Carras Grand Resort is situated in an environment of superlatives in Halkidiki in the north of Greece. It has an impressive façade resembling a cruise ship, designed by famous architect Walter Gropius, founder of the 'Bauhaus' school. Destination for the rich and powerful, the hotel hosted the first European Summit Meeting with 25 members of the European Union. The hotel is set within the premises of Porto Carras, a one of a kind luxury resort on 1,763 hectares including 9 km of coast with 25 private bays. Golf enthusiasts will appreciate an excellent 18-holf golf course, sailors one of the largest private marinas of Northern Greece. Porto Carras features a 4,750 hectares vineyard, the largest organic vineyard in Greece, a fantastic conference centre as well as an exceptional spa area, the largest in south-eastern Europe with 4,700 m2. Luxury at its best.



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