 | hotels > France > P > Paris > Baltimore Mgallery Collection |
Comparison of Baltimore Mgallery Collection rates |
Location: 16e Trocadero |
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See more information on Baltimore Mgallery Collection Hotel Paris together with a picture. |
Baltimore Mgallery Collection Hotel Description The Baltimore is situated within Paris' most exclusive district, within easy reach of the Champs-Elysees, the Trocadero and the Eiffel Tower. |
More accommodation |
Best Western Aida Opera |
Best Western Aida Opera is located in the heart of Paris and offers guests easy access to all the major Paris attractions including the Grands Boulevards, main department stores, boutiques and the Opera.
Hotel Alane |
Located near the biggest railway stations gare de l estet gare du nord in a lively district close to the department stores and major tourist attractions of Paris the alane hotel offers Parisian charm and personalized service.
Minotel Ariane Montparnasse |
Hotel Ariane Montparnasse in Paris is situated in a small street at the very heart of 14th district in the south of Paris.
Compare and booking a hotel in Paris is easy |
Once you have compared rates and found the cheapest price at Baltimore Mgallery Collection simply click through to the travel company and book your room in Baltimore Mgallery Collection hotel on their own site. All the travel companies that are compared on this site have secure servers for maximum credit card security. Rates that can be confirmed immediately will be displayed before rates that require email confirmation (on request). On request bookings may take up to 48 hours to confirm. |
Paris hotels comparison |